Are you receiving calls from a person who bothers you, and you want to block their number on Boost Mobile?
We understand that, it has also happened to us a few times, keep reading this post, and we will tell you what you can do.

How can I to block a phone number on boost mobile?
If you want to add a number to your block list on boost mobile, you can do it manually, these are the steps you should follow:
- Select the management icon
- Select block
- Now you must select the button that is in the lower right corner
- Enter the 10-digit number you want to block in the search box
- Select search and finally the number will be added to your block list Important.
- If the number is in your recent activity, select it in the detailed view screen, select the block number icon.
Boost Call Screener Premium
You can to unlock a number located in the all activity section: you just have to press and hold your finger on the number you want to unblock.
Select the Delete option that is in the menu located in the lower area of the screen.
If you want to unblock a number of block list from the Manage section: You need to do that?
- Then hold your finger on the number you want to unblock.
- Now select the Delete option that is in the menu at the bottom of the screen.
- You can do this too: Touch the number.
- Select the blocked number icon that is highlighted on the detailed view screen.
Can I to know if I am blocking a number with Boost Call Screener Premium
Yes, it’s easy, if you see on the activity screen of the application 1 lock icon means that a number was blocked.
I want to view the blocked call history of a number
If you want to see the blocked call history of a number, do this:
- Navigate to the activity screen
- Select the number (there you will find an activity history for that specific number).
I want to see all blocked call history
- Go to the activity screen
- Select the filter icon
- Now you must select Blocked Calls.
- Note: If you have activated the number block notification, you will receive notifications whenever you block a number.
I want to delete my blocked call history
You can’t do this, the blocked call history cannot be deleted.
How can I block restricted, private, unknown or anonymous calls?
Unfortunately, Boost Call Premium cannot block restricted, unaware, or anonymous calls.
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